Swimming, A Very Complete Sport

Trim 14 It is the sport par excellence to practice in the water. In addition to being very popular, it is very effective for losing weight, since as the Metropolitan personal trainer tells us, it works the entire body and helps tone and strengthen muscles. Always speaking generally and without taking into account exceptions, one hour of swimming can make us burn up to 400 Kilo Calories.

Also read: Which swimming style burns the most calories?

This sport demands so much on a physical level, that it becomes an ideal option to strengthen the legs and gain resistance, while Trim 14 working the abdominals and all the postural muscles intensively. 

Paddle surf, ideal for toning

It is a variant of surfing, a bit simpler but just as intense. It helps to lose weight and tone, again due to the demand for balance and resistance that it demands, the deep and postural muscles work a lot. People who start in this sport will also notice a lot the abdominal work and the upper back area that standing rowing provides.


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